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Suitable for first time paddlers, the oho stand up paddleboard comes with everything you need to get out and SUP on the water.

Brand: OHO

Mudell Nru: Pjattaforma tas-Sajd f'wiċċ l-ilma aħmar-012

Material: 1.2Pjattaforma tas-Sajd f'wiċċ l-ilma aħmar, 0.9Pjattaforma tas-Sajd f'wiċċ l-ilma aħmar, Non slip EVA.

Kwantità minima tal-ordni: 50 biċċiet.

Abbiltà tal-Provvista: 300 pieces/ day.

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Description of Stand Up Board:

1- Inflatable stand up paddle board is made of the highest quality military grade material. Max load is up to 330lbs, no need to worry about scratches or damage.

2-Simple and Atmospheric: The design is inspired by summer and tropical beach styles. It represents a way of loving sports and enjoying life.

3-SUP Accessories: Removable fin, leash, waterproof bag, kit ta 'tiswija, 3-piece aluminum paddle, paddle board pump, and backpack carrying bag, Board features include EVA foam deck pad, bungee straps, grab handles.

4- Size: 320Pjattaforma tas-Sajd f'wiċċ l-ilma aħmar, jistgħu jiġu personalizzati.


【Non-slip EVA deck】 ensures a stable steady ride.

【Bungee】 4-point mounted bungee system keeps your gears securely in place.

【Removable fin】ALL fins are made to boost stability when cruising on currents or rapids. Main fin can be removed for easy storage.

【Leash】Feature a cushioned belt at one end that comfortably wraps your ankle for tension-free comfort.

【Handle】Handle on the front for easy movement.

How to tighten the valve?

As valve may slighty loosen over long time use, a wrench is offered to help tighten the valve.
1, rotate the valve cap clockwise to reveal the valve,
2. attach the wrench to the valve as shown, and rotate the wrench clockwise to tighten the valve.

Warning: it's not recommended to loosen valve if not necessary

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